During a Gong bath, a magical sound world opens up and time and space are non existants.
Many people describe a Gong bath as a journey through space,find themselves
in a deep ocean or the feeling of being in the womb.
The Gong Bath purifies stress situations and daily problems. physical, emotional
and mental blockages, tensions begin to melt under the influence of “living sounds”.
Vibrations interact strongly with our bodies, cleansing and rejuvenating our cells in their depth.
All concerns are erased, you feel centered, regenerated and completely present
and connected with the world around you.
Rediscover inner harmony and joy of life…
This care is based on a personalized approach, other instruments can be associated,
according to the desire or need of the person.
A pure treat of well-being, a cocoon effect guaranteed!
Duration : 1h30
Price : 90€ individuel / 25€ in group.