Sylvie Pujol Révélatrice des potentiels des lieux et des personnes

One to One with the DRAGONS

Dragons are legendary and very powerful, but at the same time very sensitive beings, full of love and tenderness.

They were the Wise and defended truth, balance, joy, a very long time ago, men and dogmas began to hunt them down, kill them, because they were too dangerous for their institutions.

They disappeared for a very long time, across different dimensions.

In recent years we have heard more and more about them, they come back in more and more numbers, because they are an aid to humans to transcend, to ascend to a new state of being.

I co-create with them through all my treatments, to go further and have a deeper impact.

One of their specialty is soul recovery.

What is soul recovery?

The recovery of the soul, is to retrieve out parts of ourselves that have been wounded.

Imagine your soul as a beautiful  Diamond. Your soul has protective mechanisms

which are called the fragmentation of souls (shamanism).

That is to say that when in our human being we are going to experience things that are a little complex, difficult, which touch us, impact us; our soul, to help us cross this passage,

will leave 1 little piece of us, 1 little piece of our diamond, in the event, the space that you experience.

The older we get, the more we evolve, and the more diverse experiences we have, and the more we leave little pieces of us, in different spaces of time, (this life, karmic, transgenerational lives, and also galactic incarnations) things that have tested us.

Which means that the older we get, the more we advance and the more symptoms we experience, these parts of us are separated, but we are in contact with them.

What does it mean to be fragmented ?

We often talk about depression, losing taste for life, to the point of burnout. We will feel empty, we live in fear, anxiety, sometimes we can have the feeling that our life has not evolved, sometimes the feeling of being lost, tired, loss of energy.

We go to the source of the injury, of the blockage. By coming into contact with them, we bring all these parts inside of you, allowing them to transmute what they carry, you will feel much more expanded; It leads to a cohort of changes in your life, to discover yourself, synchronicities, if you want your life to change, learn more about yourself, more about who you are, discover yourself, see how you function.

We are not here on Earth to suffer, we are here to have fun, to manifest the life of our dreams !


One to One with the the Dragons

99 €

Sylvie PUJOL

13, rue du Colonel Carrière,
31410  Mauzac

07 83 60 61 19


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